The Word: Let Go and Let God

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very thing, why do you worry about the rest?” Luke 12:25-26

Worry is one of our favorite pastimes. It’s also one of the biggest causes of disease and illness. Jesus’ words emphasize how pointless it is. Worry never contributes to the solution to a problem and only depletes people’s emotional resources, draining their energy and mind. The alternative to worry is to let Jesus be Jesus. It’s when people doubt if he really is in control and capable of guiding our lives that worry manifests. When we see God for who is, worry loses its power.

What worries us? Our children, health, money, friends, some thing else? We must let it go. We must ask Jesus to open our eyes to see what He sees, and watch what happens.

Baseball: No “WORRY” in the Bronx

Aaron Judge – Aaron Judge – Aaron Judge!!! Yankees sign the big guy to huge contract. He chose Legacy over Money.

Other Stuff

FEAR THE SPEAR!!! How bout them NOLES!!!

The Word: A Fool’s Folly

“ But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself? This is how it will be with whoever stores of things for themselves, but is not rich toward God.” Luke 12:20-21

The folly of the fool was that he thought, his material possessions, (college degrees/diplomas, connections and acquaintances, etc.) would provide him with security and life. Such a person chooses to rely on the world rather than on God. God’s reaction reveals three things: God is the righteous judge over people; He knows exactly what goes on in the hearts and lives of his people; and He calls everyone to account . It’s one thing if the world sees us as a fool, but it’s something else if God calls us one. People judge according to their own preferences, for God judges in truth.

We must evaluate our lives. Do we also put our trust in materialism? We need to change our lives while we still can. This warning carries a generous measure of mercy and grace with it. God doesn’t want to catch us off guard.

Baseball: Baseball History on Dec 7

1939 – Lou Gehrig, age 36, is elected to Baseball’s Hall of Fame. Gehrig, whose illness forced an end his streak of 2,130 consecutive games played, hit 493 home runs and batted .340 over his career. He is the first player to have the existing rule waived that required a player to be retired one year before he could be elected.

Other Stuff

Tora! Tora!Tora!

Tora Tora Tora reminds us how the course of U.S. history was changed on December 7th, 1941 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. LEST WE FORGET!

The Word: Adversity – Refined by Fire

Cloth can dust off a piece of gold, but the metal must be refined to remove embedded impurities. That is, it must be melted by fire so that any tarnish or pollution can rise and be skimmed from the surface.

The Christian life is frequently compared to this process. When we face struggles, God is refining us like precious metal, digging deep into our lives to eliminate all the dirt and pollution. He does this not to hurt us, but to help us grow into beautiful reflections of the life of His Son (Mal. 3:3).

Too often we hear people exclaim, “This world is out of control!” Those with little or no belief in an almighty God of the universe find themselves without any source of strength or encouragement when their world begins to collapse. Family heartache, financial problems, national tragedies—these are all things we’ve witnessed firsthand. In the face of such turmoil, how can we be sure God is in control?

You want proof God is in control…look no further than his word. Genesis reveals God’s complete control on page after page from beginning to end. In this first book of the Bible, we see Him as the supreme Lord of creation by creating absolutely everything out of absolutely nothing. We see Him providing a way for you and me to conquer sin and death to achieve victory, in spite of the invasion of sin into the world. We see Him destroying every single person on earth with a great flood, but saving one family to repopulate the earth. Again and again throughout Genesis, we see this pattern: God plans to do something, and despite human unfaithfulness, His perfect will is accomplished. This is the case throughout all of Scripture, and it’s still true today. God is in control … despite our pain, questions, turmoil, and selfishness. And He promises to use any adversity we face to refine us into the image of His Son.

Baseball: Cracker Jacks

Anyone remember Cracker Jacks? Once a staple at every baseball park in America. They can actually still be found today. The Cracker Jack name and slogan, “The More You Eat The More You Want”, were registered in 1896…yea they have been around for over 120 years. Everyone knows what comes in a box (or bag) of Cracker Jack: kernels of popcorn drenched in a super-sweet molasses-flavored caramel coating, peanuts and a paper-wrapped toy prize. Recently, the 125-year tradition of including that toy prize has ended. Going forward, Cracker Jackers will now find deep inside the sweetness … a digital code. The codes can be used to play games on smartphones…. the online games have replaced prizes entirely.

Other Stuff

Shout out to the Steelers: a win over the hapless Falcons AKA Dirty Birds. Not because I am a Steeler Fan but due in large part by my beloved Daughter donning steeler socks on Sunday…#LoveThoseSocks.

Go Noles!!! FSU versus Oklahoma in the Cheeze-it Bowl, 29 Jan 23 in Orlando.

Lastly, Chile Cook-off at Church coming up this Sunday. Yours truly will have an entry. Don’t plan on being the best but guaranteed to be the hottest…Habanero hotness coming at ya soon!

The Word: The Mind is our Battlefield

Our brain is an extraordinary gift from God that must be put to good use. Everything that we think or do begins in our minds. Because of this we need to rely on God, as our understanding and thoughts are very limited, while God is unlimited. God is the Architect of all architects who can see from the beginning to the end. He knows the processes and sequences. He also has ways beyond our understanding, ways to deal with difficulties and solve problems that might never cross our minds.

 There is a truth in Colossians 3:2 that encourages us to have the mind of Christ. “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” We can choose to always think about God. This requires us to process through our prayers, words, worship, and ministry—all we do. 

Our perspectives and thoughts determine who we are, our decisions, and the direction our life will take. We can have the mind and perspective of Christ.

Baseball: 3 Life Lessons from Baseball

Baseball, it is said, is only a game.TRUE.

There are life lessons to learn from all sports (except maybe badminton), but by far, baseball is comprised of all life lessons rolled up into one game. As if we are the batter and the pitcher is life, we stand with our cleats dug in the dirt waiting for the next pitch. Until the ball releases from the hand, it is a mystery as to what will come next. With each at bat, we gain new experience that will further us along the path of life. Here are 3 life lessons to be taken from America’s favorite pastime.

1. Patience is a Virtue

In most cases, it is in our best interest not to rush things. Patience is a Godly virtue and something we are instructed to practice. The very best hitters in baseball average hitting the ball only 3 times out of 10. It takes great patience and discipline for long term success in baseball as well as life.

2. How to Deal with Pressure

It requires laser focus to hit a pitch thrown by a major league pitcher. The batter can’t focus on anything else but staying disciplined to his hitting approach. It takes .45 seconds for a fastball to arrive in the catcher’s mitt, and the batter can’t be distracted by doubt or fear. Nor can he be guided by emotions or irrational thought. He must stay focused under the intense pressure to succeed. Buckling under pressure in marriage, parenting, and life is where we get into trouble. We must stay focused on our commitments and stay true to our goals.

3. Teamwork Wins Championships

Talent will carry us only so far, but when the critical moments arrive, it takes an entire team working as one to come out on top. It is the same way in life with our marriages, our roles as parents, or our careers; it requires great teamwork to get where we want to go. Baseball is a very hard game to play, and fulfilling lives are very difficult to lead. Everyone involved has to work together for a common purpose.

The Other Stuff

It is with a bit of sadness I have to report that one of our favorite breakfast/brunch spots “Over Easy” in the Hollywood area of Birmingham AL has closed.
“Remember, True happiness is a bowl of Purple Grits.”

The Word: Always Be Faithful

“Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.” Revelation 2:10

Being faithful can be easy when things are going well, but faithfulness in the face of suffering, require special character and dedication. Jesus says “True faithfulness is to remain dedicated to Me even when there’s no way out. Don’t let your faithfulness be conditional – dependent on blessings and protection. Be unconditionally faithful, so that you can inherit God’s eternal life.” “There is more to God’s life than your experiences on this side of eternal life. God’s faithfulness goes beyond the grave! This life will pass away, but God’s life is for all eternity. “ A good start is important, but Jesus wants us to remain faithful until the end.

To fiercely cling to this life, makes us as miserable as the world. Our Hope and Faith must be separated from our circumstances. It should dwell in the Person and character of Jesus Christ.

Baseball: In the Beginning

It has to start somewhere. For me at was 50ish years ago when I first played T-Ball at Middle Valley Recreation when I was 5 years old. Back then, I think I was resigned to standing in right field playing with the grass and picking whatever wildflower was growing 😂. Today, on my 55th Birthday, I reflect on how I became to be competitive in the sport over the years, whether it was playing or coaching in some form. My live for the game has continued to grow (Thank you Lord). I am so grateful for the breath of life that has been gifted to me and what the game of baseball has been in my life and others close to me!!

Other Stuff

Birthday Cake Love
Did you hear about the love affair between sugar and cream? It was icing on the cake.

Whoops, No Present
Forget about the past, you can’t change it. Forget about the future, you can’t predict it. Forget about the present, I didn’t get you one.

Thank Goodness For Family
Age is a relative thing. All my relatives keep reminding me how old I am.

The Word: Tired of the Rush

“I will not impose any other burden on you, except to hold on what you have until I come.”Revelation 2:24-25

We can become tired of rushing after gifts and ministries and programs and goals. In the process we can lose the gentleness and serenity of Jesus’ ministry. Zeal without wisdom can be harmful and immature, which does not lead anyone to God’s “green pastures” and “quiet waters.”

A congregation that is tired of rushing after new fads has a need for the Shepard if of Christ. Jesus says, “I will ask nothing more of you except that you hold tightly to me.”

Baseball: Devon Travis

Did you know? He is the Big brother of FSU Heisman worthy QB Jordon Travis. He played 2B for the Toronto Blue Jays from 2015-2018 and is currently the coach of the Gulf Coast League Braves (Rookie League). And yes, he is a Christian athlete who gives all the glory to Jesus Christ just like his younger brother. Team Jesus and Go Noles!

Just like batting in baseball, there are many terms used to describe different aspects of pitching as well. Again, these can be used when discussing certain actions, plays or statistics you may encounter as a pitcher. Bender: A curveball.
Chin music: A pitch that is thrown high and inside on a batter in attempt to back them up off the plate. Gas: Another term for a fastball. “This pitcher is throwing gas.” On the bump: This phrase is used when talking about a pitcher on the pitcher’s mound. “On the bump tonight is [insert pitcher’s name here].” Uncle Charlie: A term sometimes used for a curveball.

Other Stuff

FSU 45 – Gators 38. My Birthday Eve. This is the Day the Lord has made, let’s rejoice and be glad in it.

The Word: Two Missions – One Character

“As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world John 17:18

“As You sent me, I have sent them.” isn’t that awesome! The father sent his son into the world to witness about him and lay down his life for the reconciliation and restoration of everyone who believes in him. In the same way, Jesus sends us into the world to witness about him and to lay down in our lives for the restoration and reconciliation of everyone who believes in him.
Paul says, “Even if I’m being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you, Philippians 2:17. We received a godly mandate and an eternal example of how we are supposed to live out our testimony: Jesus Christ as the father treated Jesus, so Jesus treats us.
There is nothing more satisfying and fulfilling than living out your calling to Christ. This brings true meaning to life,


Thanksgiving and Baseball, a gobbleee good combination!!

Other stuff

What’s going on in BG?????

The Word: Our Only Teacher

“The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher.” Luke 6:40

Jesus’ words are quite logical, but when you apply them to your relationship with him, they are also powerful. Jesus is our teacher and we are his students. He teaches us to be like him. We are not the teacher; He is. We don’t do what we want or what we think is right; we do what the teacher says.

Don’t let your life be dictated by anything other than what Jesus teaches. No form of patriotism, formalism, or other loyalty can replace him.

Baseball: And God said, “Play Ball!”

This content is a joint expression of two of my greatest loves: baseball and the Bible. It is, however, in no way meant to be an interpretation of the Bible. I am not a biblical scholar and don’t pretend to be one. Some of the observations on the Bible and its connections to baseball are just that…observations. Maybe they, at times, can be thought-provoking, challenging, curious, and amusing. Perhaps others will learn to love the Good Book and great game as many of us do. And realize that there is a great deal to be learned about life through both. It’s said that God is present everywhere. For me this is nowhere more true than on a baseball field. It is a shared belief among many that Baseball may just well be the secular version of God’s grace to us all. So step up to the plate and make the sign of the cross. There’s a lot we can learn from angels, both guardian and those from LA/Anaheim.

Yet more baseball hitting terms for your toolbox. These can be used when talking about certain statistics, situations or actions a hitter may experience while batting in a baseball game. 
Launch angle: The vertical angle at which the ball leaves a player’s bat after being struck. Locked up: When a batter gets a pitch in on the hands making it impossible for them to swing in an effective matter or at all, they are said to have gotten “locked up.”
Rake : A term used to describe a player who hits well to all parts of the field.

Other Stuff

Thanksgiving gonna be in Bowling Green KY. Did you know? The Corvette museum and GM Assembly plant where they are built is in Bowling Green KY. Did you know? Bowling Green is Home to Western Kentucky University (WKU) where the Hilltoppers play…their mascot is known simply as Big Red. Did you know? Bowling Green was Included in the 2020 Top 100 Places to Live list by, coming in at #89.

The Word: Anchor Ourselves in the Lord

“ Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.” Luke 6:25.

The hunger and grief that people experience without God surpasses all that a person might face as a result of inadequate material resources. There’s nothing wrong with having enough to eat and enjoying life. However, those who enjoy abundance and laughter now and think that’s the sum total of life, will be rudely awakened. Their sun will suddenly set while it’s still day, and then no amount of fun or treats will bring any comfort. One often sees this happen: marriages fail, children drift away from their parents, and people sink into despair and depression until they have no life left.

We shouldn’t seek consolation in anything, other than the person, character and ministry of Jesus. We need to enjoy our food, and be thankful for it, but anchor ourselves in the lord, to provide comfort for the soul.

Baseball: And God said, “Play Ball!”

Baseball is not only a game, but a never-ending series of lessons about life, as well.
FAITH AND BASEBALL have long been important factors in my life am probably many of you who are reading this, each one inspiring valuable lessons on living. Many of us may keep returning to them both. Each has taught us lessons about love, loss, and life. Each has its own rewards and its version of universal truth. We don’t have to be a theologian or throw a curve ball with precision to lead us to think there’s a symbiotic relationship between that which was heaven sent and the game which is heaven on earth. To better understand faith, one need not look further than common things in life. What better place to start than on the baseball field, a place treasured by so many?

Here’s more baseball hitting for your toolbox so to speak. These can be used when talking about certain statistics, situations or actions a hitter may experience while batting in a baseball game. 
Blistered: A ball that is hit extremely hard. “That ball was blistered!” Dead-red: When a batter is waiting on or expecting a fastball to be thrown. “The batter is sitting dead-red here.” Frozen rope: A hard-hit line drive. Jack: Another term for a home run.

Other Stuff

How about some humor for a Tuesday morning or afternoon/evening depending on where you may be.

Why did God create man before woman?

Because He didn’t want any advice on how to do it.

Went running with my Bible…

Now my Psalms are sweaty.

Where is the first baseball game in the Bible?

In the big inning. Eve stole first, Adam stole second. Cain struck out Abel. The Giants and the Angels were rained out.

The Word: Do Not Worry!

Our struggles in life can become emotional strongholds – things holding us hostage and keeping us from wholeheartedly serving and trusting God. Additionally, it can keep us from experiencing the abundant life He has promised. One of the most damaging strongholds is worry. It is available for every age and is an obstacle to moving forward. When it is a stronghold in our life, it becomes a way of life.

We worry about a variety of things – what do people think about us, do we look fit, are we healthy, and do we have enough money. If we are prone to worry, there is no limit to the possibilities to worry about. 

 In Matthew 6:25, 31-34, Jesus stated three times, “Do not worry!” The Greek word used for “worry” is the concept of being strangled or choked. It leaves us frustrated when we ought to be free and if we are His disciple, then you should stop it. 

Worrying is a sin because it is doubt in the power and goodness of God. Some people don’t like to call worrying a sin – they are just “concerned” about something. How do you distinguish concern from worry? Legitimate concern is when we are in control of our thoughts and feelings and illegitimate worry is when the matter controls our thoughts, actions and emotions.

Jesus said, “For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?” (Matthew 6:25-26) The reason we worry is that we are focusing on the wrong authority. If our Father feeds birds that have no soul, how much more will He take care of us since we are worth even more to Him?  We must remember His promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us as the first antidote to worry.

Baseball: AL MVP Aaron Judge

Big props for one of my favorite players, Aaron Judge on being selected the American League MVP this season. Well deserved! All rise for the Judge…a “big fly” from Aaron Judge!! Please stay in the Bronx big guy!! We appreciate you and want to see you back in pinstripes!!

Here’s couple baseball hitting terms (Judgeon in Honor of #99 in pin stripes) for your toolbox so to speak. These can be used when talking about certain statistics, situations or actions a hitter may experience while batting in a baseball game.
Barrel it up: Refers to the action of hitting a pitch hard with the sweet spot of the baseball bat.
Batflip: An action typically done by a batter to show off after hitting a home run. The batter will throw, or flip, their bat up in the air in celebration. Sometimes used to taunt the opposing pitcher/team.
Big fly: Another name for a home run.
Bomb: Another word for a home run.

Other Stuff

Breakfast spots to hit in your travels: Revielle Cafe ( Pumpkin Waffle, Nitrogen infused Cold Brews and Aahh-mlets) in Marietta GA and Over Easy (they got blue grits) in Birmingham AL

College Football KUDOS to Them Dawgs of UGA (best team until someone else proves otherwise), Geaux Tigers (beat up on the Blazers, our #2 team to pull for in the fam) and Fear the Spear (FSU- Home cooking from JackR23) Gooo Noles, beat the Gators this coming weekend.